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  • rossigrl1

    November 3, 2019 at 7:42 am in reply to: What will life look like on Trikafta?

    Hi Jenny, I was really glad to see you wrote this piece. I started on trikafta a year ago through the drug study. My results have been “life changing” as you said. I have had the discussion with family, friends and even my cf doctors about the effect on our mental health. With the good, came some unexpected bad. I developed an anxiety and slight depression. I had prepared myself my entire life to die by middle age. In an odd way, knowing I will live into old age now has been difficult to handle. I thought I was at the end of my career, I felt like I contributed all I could to my life and made the most of it. I never intended on a future. I have been a nurse for the pst 16yrs and mainly chose jobs that were per diem and never had a 401k or any kind of retirement plan. There is more more to my story, but you hit the nail on the head when you said “cfer’s are not prepared for the future.” For those on disability, their adjustment will be even more difficult than mine. My hope is that during this transition, mental health is discussed and at each clinic visit there are Therapists available, as well as social workers to help with the changes that will absolutely happen for everyone that has the opportunity to take this medication and start a whole new life!!