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12 Movies about Cystic Fibrosis

1. Foreverland (2011)  “A young man with cystic fibrosis, along with the sister of a fallen friend, goes in search of a legendary healing shrine in Mexico.” in IMDB Here’s 16 cystic fibrosis tattoos that will inspire you. 2. Sick: The Life…

How to Spot a Fake Disability

In this amazing video, listen to Annie Elainey talk about invisible illnesses and how misleading it can all be. “You are here to find out what are those clues you should be looking for when trying to figure out if someone is disabled…

7 Facts About the “Up For Air” Documentary

1. The Protagonist: Jerry Cahill Jerry Cahill is a pole-vaulter in his fifties who continues to fight respiratory degeneration, depression, and a potentially fatal double-lung transplant. Some of these themes are addressed in the documentary and the viewer is able to follow Jerry throughout these transitions. 2. Directed by Artem…