Newly Diagnosed: You Are Not Alone on Your Journey
Whether you are a patient or a caregiver, it’s important to remember that you are not alone on this journey with cystic fibrosis and that others have been in your shoes. Here’s a collection of our columnists’ words that they would like to share to help guide, inspire, and encourage you.
A Letter to CF Parents
Columnist Brad Dell pens an open letter to parents of children with CF from his perspective as a patient. It will be challenging and you might be afraid, he says, but it’s still possible to be affected by CF and love your life.
Words of Wisdom to My Younger Self
Columnist Tré LaRosa offers powerful words of wisdom to his younger self — things that he wish he had known or take to heart at the time — along with reflections about his future and his relationship with his family.
I’ve Found Powerful Camaraderie in the CF Community
Many people tend to isolate ourselves when circumstances are challenging, but when you find that person or group of people that gets it, the sense of relief is radical. After diving headfirst into the CF community, columnist Lara Govendo has formed unbreakable bonds.
Accepting the Bumps in the Road
A naturally impatient person, columnist Elizabeth Rogers finds herself at odds with what she wants and what her CF demands. Planning a full life around a chronic illness means accepting the bumps in the road. Learning to accept these bumps is a continuous process.
Identifying and Addressing 3 Barriers to Treatment Adherence
CF requires a complex and time-consuming treatment plan beyond what many other chronic illnesses require, writes columnist Janeil Whitworth. It’s important to identify the barriers to treatment adherence and find practical ways to address the issues.
Dealing with Expectations at Work with an Invisible Illness
Columnist Elly Aylwin-Foster reflecting on the aspects of a (mostly) invisible illness and the times they collide with the expectations of those around us at work. Being open and upfront is important, but showing vulnerability is what connects us to those around us.