Mauli Ola Foundation Launches Ocean Therapy Tour For Children With Cystic Fibrosis

The Mauli Ola Foundation is crossing the country once again to support patients who suffer from cystic fibrosis (CF). The organization is hosting the East Coast Tour from Texas to New York until August 28, and this year the event is being held under the name “The Humuhumunukunukuapua’a Tour,” after Hawaii’s state fish and will focus on new methods to increase patients’ quality of life.
The annual tour is one of the events organized by the foundation to promote education and awareness about genetic diseases, as well as help increase research in the field. Mauli Ola Foundation will organize visits to pediatric hospitals, awareness events and Surf Experience Days (SEDs). During the SEDs, CF pediatric patients are brought into the ocean with complimentary professionals, joining treatment and fun.
Ocean water is high in saline, which is a natural lubricant for the airways that are congested due to the disease. By being in the ocean, it is easy for the children with CF to break up the lung congestion and expel the mucus that accumulates in the lungs and airways. Using the natural saltwater to perform natural therapies is a new, but effective manner of improving lung function, overall health and quality of life.
“We are excited for the wheels to hit the ground on this 6th annual national tour to support these families. It feels good to have us all come together,” said the director of the Mauli Ola Foundation, Hans Hagen in a press release. “This is a great opportunity to share our knowledge and passion of the ocean in and out of the water.”
The one-on-one surf lessons are organized with top surfers that are among the best in the world, including Mauli Ola’s surfing ambassadors Sunny Garcia, Kala Alexander, Ulu “Boy” Napeahi, Kiana Fores, Hans Hagen, Teddy Navarro, Sam Hammer, Jason “Mags” Magallanes, CJ Kanuha, Ben Bourgeois, Cliff Skudin, and Will Skudin.
On Saturday, August 15, the East Cost Tour’s SEDs will take place in Cocoa Beach, FL with Todd Holland. The surfer will also be in Wrightsville Beach, NC on Saturday, August 22, while Michael Dunphy will be on Tuesday, August 25 in Virginia Beach, VA. Thursday, August 27, the SED will be in Springlake, NJ with Sam Hammer, and the final SED will taken place on Friday, August 28 in Long Beach, NY.
In addition, the foundation will also organize two “Humu Jams” awareness and fundraising events themed after the “Humuhumunukunukuapua’a Tour,” featuring live music, an auction, and raffles. On August 22, the jam will take place at King Neptune, Wrightsville Beach, NC, and on August 28 at The Inn, Long Beach, NY, both of which will take place between 7 and 10 pm.
The Mauli Ola Foundation is dedicated to helping both adults and children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis through music concerts, sports tournaments, galas, and other events. Last May, the organization also launched its 2015 tour to celebrate Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, during which the first Surf Experience Day was held in Waikiki, Hawaii. The MOF Ambassador Sunny Garcia joined forces with the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa to host the event.
Registration for the SEDs is available here by choosing the desired region, while more information about the hospital visits is provided through the contact [email protected]. For the patients that cannot reach the locations of the tour, the foundation is also organizing an on-line video surf contest presented by Ambry Genetics, called Battle for the Breasts, which can be seen here.