Mutations & Conversations - a Column by Tré LaRosa

motivation Tré is a 27-year-old living with cystic fibrosis in Pensacola, Florida who works as a research lead for BioNews Insights. He is an extremely passionate advocate for disabled rights and people living with chronic disease, especially cystic fibrosis. His sister, Alyssa, died at 29 due to chronic rejection of her bilateral lung transplant, pushing him further into the fight for a better world for all. “Mutations & Conversations” discusses the science and sociology that binds us all. He also loves his golden retriever, Duncan, very much.

Contemplating Our Identity

A pandemic meets a life-changing medication. It sounds like the beginning of a modern love story. Last year, a film came out about two teenagers with CF who fall in love. If you’ve been even tangentially near the CF community, you’re probably familiar with it. To reclaim…

Time Contracts Near Tragedy

My last column, a letter to my younger self, was written before the pandemic. When the world first began to realize the havoc wreaked by COVID-19, I predicted I would be reading and writing more than ever. The converse ended up being true. Writing (my consolation) and reading…

Words of Wisdom to My Younger Self

Hey kid, You better brace yourself. Other adults in your life are already telling you this, but you better learn to listen up. Your parents know a bit better than you do, but I’ll give you this: You’re smart, you’re ambitious, you’re idealistic, and you have a sensitive heart. You…

This Is What Makes Me Rare

It probably won’t come as a shock if I say that growing up with cystic fibrosis is confusing for one’s identity. Cystic fibrosis requires a huge time commitment and affects most areas of our lives. We can choose to hide it, which probably isn’t the best idea, because then…

Chronic Pain, Depression, and Anxiety in the CF Community

We need to come to grips with a problem deeply affecting the cystic fibrosis community. It’s an issue that we don’t talk about much: chronic pain and its relationship to depression and anxiety. It’s a multifaceted subject: Not only are rates of depression and anxiety higher in people with cystic…

So This Is How My Life Is Now

Humans are creatures of habit. We become accustomed to our circumstances. Most of us complain about our boring routines, but when they are disrupted, we can feel almost separated from our reality. Routines are a form of comfort, a gauge of where we’re at in our lives, professionally, physically, and…

Reflecting on My Favorite Columns of 2019

2019 has given me much to reflect upon, including which of my columns are my favorites from the year. My chosen columns convey what I set out to do when I began writing “Mutations & Conversations” some 16 months ago. I hoped to push the envelope and encourage conversation…

My Thoughts on How to Build a Better World

I’ve found that one of the most fulfilling things I can do in this life is to work toward a better world. It’s why I wrote a column a few weeks ago about building a diverse coalition: The more diverse a coalition working for a better world is, the…