Path Unknown - a Column by Wendy Caroline

mental health Wendy is a vivacious young adult who’s passionate about living life despite battling cystic fibrosis. She loves going on adventures with her husband, Andy, and their dogs, Finn and Felix. Wendy is very active in spreading awareness about CF through her blog and social media — “The Living, Breathing Wendy.” She also helps through the CF Foundation where she can, both nationally and locally.

What Being Fatigued Really Feels Like

Fatigue is a challenging condition to describe. It entails being tired, but it’s so much more than that. Fatigue is the side effect of chronic illness that haunts me the most. It can hit at any time like a ton of bricks. The worst…

I Keep Forgetting CF Is Invisible

I often hear, “CF does not define me.” However, while cystic fibrosis (CF) does not define me, it is a part of me. It has helped shape who I am as a person. So, it does define me. It defines me in the same way that being a…

A Few Words for Those I Let Down in 2019

It’s a new year. For many, that means a fresh start. A chance to clear your mind and move past burdens you wish to leave behind. I have never really been into this concept, for no particular reason. However, 2019 was easily the hardest year of…

I Am Not a Morning Person

I want to start this off with the disclaimer that I have never been a morning person. I am a night owl with a coffee addiction and a second-shift job. However, there is much more to the story. Several months ago, I noticed myself starting to frequently use the phrase…