Valiant Voice – a Column by Lara Govendo

Lara, 33, resides in Vermont (for now) as a wild, adventure enthusiast who holds a master’s degree in mental health counseling. She writes about living out loud and develops educational programs to restore hope to those in need. Thanks to her double-lung transplant in 2017 due to cystic fibrosis, you can now find Lara traveling on the regular, exploring the glorious outdoors, and belly laughing with her loves. She’s passionate about connecting with like-minded people, so join her at and on social media (“Lungs4Lovey”) while she flies by the seat of her (no) pants.

My birthdays bring fresh hope every year

I just celebrated another year on this planet in December. My birthday has become a time of deep reflection as I age with cystic fibrosis (CF), sprinkling in an added layer of life with a double-lung transplant. Now I’ve turned 38; I’m growing older. I don’t have gray hair…

Why I wish people wouldn’t search cystic fibrosis online

What is cystic fibrosis (CF)? I get asked this question on the regular. My automatic response is: Please don’t search it online. No, really. Just don’t. I equate searching CF online to looking up your symptoms when you’re sick: Both typically result in death. (That’s dark humor.) But truly,…

A new diagnosis validates my mysterious breathlessness

Since my double-lung transplant seven years ago, I’ve struggled with breathlessness during exercise. I was used to this symptom while living with cystic fibrosis (CF) lungs, but I didn’t expect to deal with it post-transplant. It’s been frustrating that I can’t use my healthy lungs in the capacity that…