Arts, Education, Song, and Advocacy Programs Awarded 2019 Impact Grants by CFF

Five programs helping to empower the cystic fibrosis (CF) community were selected to receive up to $10,000 each under the fourth annual Impact Grants awarded by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF).
Launched in 2016, the Impact Grants program is designed to support new ideas and projects that aim to improve the lives of those with CF, such as voice lessons to strengthen breathing and build confidence, or online health coaching and personal training.
“Adults living with CF and their family members and friends are bringing new energy and perspective to help people with CF in their day-to-day life,” Drucy Borowitz, MD, vice president of Community Partnerships at the CFF, said in a press release. “The Foundation is honored to provide resources through the Impact Grant program to support bringing their visions to life.”
The 2019 awardees were selected by the CFF in collaboration with the CF Adult Advisory Council, an external panel composed exclusively of people with CF.
“Living with a chronic disease such as CF can be challenging, and people who experience those challenges have special insights about ways to connect and serve this community,” Borowitz said.
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Programs recognized aim to connect and benefit the CF community through a range of offerings focused on health, knowledge and self-expression.
The five recipients are:
- Cystic Arts by Khloe’s Hope — a YouTube channel dedicated to teach how to make art through painting, jewelry, drawing, sculpting, needle crafts, and other forms as a way for CF patients and their caregivers to express their emotions.
- Fall Risk: The CF Musical Comedy — a theater show that aims to bring people living with CF together through singing, writing music, playing instruments, or lending their voice in speaking roles. Participants will contribute for the show by arranging music, and recording a demo CD.
- Health Advocacy Summit — day-long and no-cost events centered on discussion sessions and speakers young adults with chronic and rare diseases. The conferences aim to provide the knowledge, support, and skills these adults need to become advocates for themselves and their communities; online participation is possible.
- sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir — this virtual choir grew from the Breathe Bravely sINgSPIRE program under the guidance of a professional singer with CF. It gives teenagers through adults with this disease the opportunity to receive music and voice private lessons, connect through virtual video rehearsals, and ultimately create a choral piece.
- The Salty Life: A Cystic Fibrosis Magazine — a print magazine, produced by the Salty Foundation, dedicated to sharing demographics of the CF community, as well as important information based on the perspectives of children, adults, and families affected by CF.
Applications for the 2020 Impact Grants program will open in January. More information is available using this link.
The nonprofit CFF is best known for supporting the CF community through funding research into treatments, and for supporting and accrediting a national network of care centers.