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Articles by Chris Comish

How Does Cystic Fibrosis Affect the Lungs?

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition found in approximately 1 in 2,500 babies. The main areas of the body affected are the stomach, pancreas, liver, and lungs. But how do the lungs work and how does cystic fibrosis affect them? Read about the three treatment categories for cystic fibrosis…

7 Things People With Invisible Illnesses Think You Should Know

Chances are you know someone who has an invisible illness. An invisible illness means that a person is suffering from an illness or disease which isn’t necessarily visible on the outside. However, just because you can’t see what’s wrong doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything wrong. People with invisible illnesses…

5 Myths About Lung Transplants

Professor Daniel Chambers from the Queensland Lung Transplant Service at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane, Australia debunks myths about lung transplants for cystic fibrosis patients and other patients with lung problems. Read about five of the myths here: Myth 1: Lung transplantation is an experimental treatment. Lung transplant was considered “revolutionary” when it…

VeinViewer Will Help Nurses With IVs and Blood Tests

Anyone with a chronic illness will testify that they spend a lot of time in the doctor’s office having blood work done. Which means getting pricked with a lot of needles, which can sometimes take two or three (or more) attempts to find a compliant vein. Here are six…

3 Cystic Fibrosis Treatment Types

According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, because the severity and symptoms of CF can vary from person to person, treatment therapies are individualized to suit each patient’s needs. Every day, CF patients complete a combination of the following therapies: 1. Airway clearance This is necessary in order to help…

Patients, Parents Fearful of Initial Bacterial Lung Infection, Survey Finds

The emotional impact of an initial Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) respiratory infection on cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and those close to them is considerable, and it can lead them to adopt preventive measures that may be ineffectual and intrusive, researchers have found. For the study, “Perception of first respiratory infection…

#TBT: Caring for a Lung Transplant Patient

What’s it like taking care of someone who’s had a lung transplant? In this video from Gifted Life, 26-year-old Lauren and her mom explain what it’s like looking after someone who has a chronic lung condition and the differences between pre- and post-transplant caregiving. The symptoms…

4 Common Misconceptions About Cystic Fibrosis

According to the New York Times, “good decisions start with accurate information.” Here are four of the most common misconceptions non-patients have about cystic fibrosis. 1. Cystic fibrosis can be contagious. Some people are afraid they’ll catch cystic fibrosis if they are in contact with a patient, but it’s…

9 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone With a Chronic Illness

It’s no surprise that sometimes people say things they don’t want to–or mean to. Especially when they’re talking to someone with a disease like cystic fibrosis, that is not fully understood by those who don’t live with it. To help you learn more about what you shouldn’t say to chronically…

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