Bionews Staff,  writers and editors—

Bionews, the owner and publisher of this site, employs science writers and editors, most of whom have PhDs in the life sciences, as well as veteran journalists, who ensure stories are well-written and easy to understand. Our stories undergo a comprehensive fact-checking and editing process to confirm accuracy, objectiveness, and thoroughness in order to best serve our audience of patients and caregivers.

Articles by Bionews Staff

31 Days of CF: How I Manage CF with ADHD

Photo courtesy of Aimee Lecointre Day 22 of 31 This is Aimee Lecointre’s story: Cystic fibrosis is hard, for an infinite number of reasons. One area I struggle with is compliance. There’s a lot that goes into managing CF on a daily basis:…

31 Days of CF: Love Casts a Bright Light

Photo courtesy of Sara Popescu Slavikova Day 21 of 31 This is Sara Popescu Slavikova’s story: Our baby turns 1 this month! She chose to be born in May, in the month of cystic fibrosis awareness, instead of in June, as expected. Last…

31 Days of CF: Resilience Comes with Struggle

Photo courtesy of Marc Cotterill Day 20 of 31 This is Marc Cotterill’s story: My name is Marc Cotterill. I’m 39 years old and a business architect and creative from the U.K. I was born with a life-limiting condition, cystic fibrosis (CF).  Being…

31 Days of CF: Balancing Advocacy and Self-care

Photo courtesy of Chloe Lussier-Labelle Day 19 of 31 This is Chloe Lussier-Labelle’s story: Hi! I’m Chloe Lussier-Labelle. As a 32-year-old with cystic fibrosis in Canada, I try to make the most of every moment, but my hardest fight has been growing old…

31 Days of CF: Learning Resilience After My Son’s Diagnosis

Photo courtesy of Bianca Maldonado-Dequin Day 18 of 31 This is Bianca Maldonado-Dequin’s story: My son, Esteban, was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at birth 16 years ago. The doctor at the time talked about life expectancy, complications with this disease, multiple medications, and…

31 Days of CF: Navigating the Seasons of CF with Grace

Photo courtesy of Teresa Sutter Day 17 of 31 This is Teresa Sutter’s story: “I don’t let my disability get in the way of me living my life.” I’m sure we’ve all heard iterations of this statement that, though well-intentioned, can cause feelings of guilt…

31 Days of CF: Having a Close Friend with CF

Photo courtesy of Alice Waters Day 15 of 31 This is Alice Waters’ story: Cystic fibrosis is one of those big, scary medical terms you grow up hearing about, but if you’re like me, you never knew what it was. That is, until I became…