Steve Bryson, PhD,  science writer—

Steve holds a PhD in biochemistry from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada. As a medical scientist for 18 years, he worked in both academia and industry, where his research focused on the discovery of new vaccines and medicines to treat inflammatory disorders and infectious diseases. Steve is a published author in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals and a patented inventor.

Articles by Steve Bryson

Partial Monocyte Transplant Improves Survival in Mouse Study

Monocyte immune cells from bone marrow partially transplanted into a mouse model of cystic fibrosis (CF) improved survival and reduced inflammation, a study found. Meanwhile, transplanting monocytes from CF mice into healthy mice triggered CF-like symptoms and limited survival, suggesting that these defective immune cells may cause symptoms, the…

UK Patients Urged to Join in New CF BioResource Project

People with cystic fibrosis (CF) in the U.K. are encouraged to join the new CF BioResource project — giving them a unique opportunity to help connect genetic data to existing clinical data registries and advance understanding of CF. The ultimate goal of this project, conducted within the…

Way of Creating Bile Duct Cells May Help to Treat CF Liver Disease

Researchers generated functional bile duct cells from human-derived stem cells that can be used to support the development of therapies for liver disease in people with cystic fibrosis (CF), a study reported. “These studies highlight the importance of generating mature cells from stem cells that faithfully mimic the functional…

Trikafta Increases Microbiome Diversity in Lungs, Study Shows

The microbiome diversity in the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients increased after treatment with Trikafta, becoming similar to a person without CF, an analysis showed. In addition, small molecule metabolites produced by cells varied widely across patients while on the therapy, with the largest decrease seen in…

Lung Airway Chip Accurately Models Cystic Fibrosis

For the first time, many features of cystic fibrosis (CF) were modeled accurately in a human Lung Airway Chip lined with cells from CF patients, which included enhanced mucus secretion, inflammation, and microbial infections, a study has shown. This “organ-on-a-chip model” of the disease may support the rapid development…

Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria in Fish Treated by Adding Phage Therapy

Scientists using phage therapy — specifically a bacteriophage they dubbed “Muddy” — successfully treated an infection by an antibiotic-resistant strain of Mycobacterium abscessus bacteria in a zebrafish model of cystic fibrosis (CF). For five days, the team treated the zebrafish, which were infected with M. abscessus, a lung-damaging bacteria…

Public Reimbursement of Trikafta Nears in Canada

Vertex Pharmaceuticals has signed a letter of intent with the pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance (pCPA), which is an agreement in principle to extend public reimbursement to Trikafta, a triple-combination therapy for eligible cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. The extension adds to the letter of intent (LOI) with the pCPA for…

Researchers Explore Trikafta in Younger Patients

Researchers at the Children’s Hospital Colorado Breathing Institute are participating in four new studies to evaluate the long-term impact of Trikafta (elexacaftor, tezacaftor, and ivacaftor) in people with cystic fibrosis (CF) ages 6 and older, its effectiveness in infants and children younger than 6, and to find alternative…