
Sweat from Infants with CF May Contain Biomarkers That Help Doctors Treat the Disease, Study Reports

Sweat from infants with cystic fibrosis contains substances that could be used as biomarkers of the disease and even identify new disease mechanisms, a study reports. The research, published in the journal ACS Central Science, was titled “The Sweat Metabolome of Screen-Positive Cystic Fibrosis Infants: Revealing Mechanisms beyond Impaired Chloride Transport.” Scientists…

Two of Proteostasis’ Three Cystic Fibrosis Therapies Are in Clinical Trials, and the Third Is Heading for Trials

Two of the three therapies that Proteostasis Therapeutics has developed to correct the underlying problem in cystic fibrosis are going through clinical trials and a third is heading for trials, the company reports. That underlying problem is a mutation in a gene known as the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, or CFTR. It produces…

Antabio Wins $2.8 Million Public-Private Partnership Grant to Keep Developing Drug-Resistant Infection Therapy

A U.S. government-backed initiative against drug-resistant bacteria has awarded Antabio $2.8 million to continue developing treatments for Pseudomonas, the most common infection in cystic fibrosis (CF). The grant came from a public-private partnership known as CARB-X, which stands for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Biopharmaceutical Accelerator. CARB-X, formed in July 2016,…

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