• Posted by morgan-polen on February 20, 2019 at 7:55 pm


    I made up a game recently.. it’s something I would do by myself at first. No matter where I was or what I was around, I would choose an object and challenge myself to recollect a pleasant memory that had to do with that object or something related.

    For example, I would look at a shampoo bottle and say what’s the first memory that comes to mind when I think shampoo in my life. The memory is usually pleasant and meaningful but it’s prominent for sure.

    So when I think of shampoo I think of my grandmothers coconut scented Suave shampoo our family used at the beach every summer. I remember this distinctly because the smell brings back feelings of just coming in from a long day at the beach to shower. You feel sunburnt but good! The shower hits your stinging back and I pop open this coconut scented shampoo.. I then am beat from beaching all day so I take a very restful nap and wake up later to go on the board walk for some fun.

    I feel like this is a way I train myself to be able to find happiness no matter what I am doing or where I am. I now include my family in this game and will randomly choose an object and ask for a memory from them! It’s very fun because you get to know more about people; it’s also insightful!

    🙂 just wanted to share.. thoughts?

    If you want to play here, now, share a memory that you have of earrings that is most prominent (I am looking at a pair on my night stand..)

    luisa-palazola replied 5 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • luisa-palazola

    February 21, 2019 at 4:58 pm

    Aahhh dude I am HERE for this game. Right now I’m sitting in this nifty coffee shop and there’s some retro & cool salt and pepper shakers. And, FOR SOME REASON, whenever I think of salt shakers, I think of this one memory at Christmas dinner YEARS ago:

    So I have an ENORMOUS family on my Dad’s side (he’s one of nine kids!). For Christmas we used to all gather at my Grandma’s modest sized bungalow in the heart of Mid Town, Memphis. Grandma has a pretty nice sized dining room table, but we’d still have to pull out fold out tables and chairs to make room for everyone at the dinner table. And we just essentially “added” the fold out table to the regular table — to make one giant table we all ate at.

    So, side note — we also would eat raviolis made from scratch every Christmas.

    Anyways, after dinner we were all talking — and my family is very expressive when they talk. Hand motions everywhere, voices incredibly jubilant and loud. And my Aunt Cici and Uncle Andy were sitting across from me, and I think my Uncle was making a point in his conversation, and accidentally knocked the salt shaker over. And he got so so excited, saying it was good luck and meant that they would have a baby. As they has been trying for years.

    And ever since then, whenever I see salt shakers or someone spills salt, I think of babies, family, and good luck.

    My cousin Aza shortly came after that.

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