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  • Going Home On IVs: Overwhelming or Amazing?

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on January 20, 2020 at 1:17 pm

    I just got out of another hospital stay and wanted to know: How do you adjust to life after being in the hospital?

    Thanks to this latest infection, I had the option of staying in the hospital for 2 more weeks of IV antibiotics, or going home using home healthcare. Because I am a mother and a business owner (but mostly because I’m a Momma), I of course voted for the latter despite the increase in fiscal burden to my family (more on that tomorrow).

    However, being at home can often be overwhelming, because now the burden of multiple meds is on my shoulders almost entirely and I am “tethered” a majority of the time.

    How do you handle this process, and what helps you most?

    julie-martin replied 4 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • julie-martin

    January 20, 2020 at 2:29 pm

    I am so thankful for home health and its options. I am on home IVs about 5 times per year, 3-4 weeks per episode, 2 drugs, each every 8 hours. My husband is a huge help and does my morning doses for me (hooking up, etc) while I try to sleep. Managing the schedule is often rough because one can feel pretty tied down, but being at home surrounded by own routines is worth it. Good luck!

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