• Do You Feel Better or Worse on IVs?

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on January 22, 2020 at 11:11 am

    I’m going to be honest: I prefer IV Bactrim to oral Bactrim, even though neither are easy to tolerate for long periods of time. The latter does slightly more damage to my stomach than the former, and I often lose too much weight when I’m on it (from feeling ill).

    I know some people feel worse on IVS before they feel better, but I normally feel comparatively awesome (especially with how long I pushed this off and how bad I had gotten). I’m now a couple of weeks in, and beginning to feel some of the kickback of “yuck” (mostly in the GI department).

    I’d love to know: What is your typical physical reaction to [your average] treatment of IVs? Any symptoms that stand out more than most?

    bailey-anne-vincent replied 4 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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