Reminiscing: Pregnancy and CF (this one is for the moms)
Today is my daughter’s 11th birthday which has me reminiscing about years past, and for some reason lately, pregnancy has been on my mind a lot.
Growing up, my greatest dream was to become a mom. I was always told that pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood might not be possible, and even if I had the physical ability to do so, it may not be the wisest choice for my long-term health. Even still, I knew that’s what I wanted.
I was able to conceive naturally after a couple years. My pregnancy was not without complication, although as far as we know, those complications were not related to CF (I had bleeding issues for the duration of my pregnancy, but little to no complications with my lung health or other CF involvement). I was warned that I’d likely not carry full-term, but my daughter came a week past my due date! Childbirth was one of my very favorite experiences in life! I was fascinated by what my body was able to do, and the moment I held my sweet girl on my chest, I knew that my life was forever changed.
I’d love to hear about your pregnancy story. Did you conceive naturally? How was your pregnancy? Or, if your children came to you another way (surrogacy, adoption, etc) I’d like to know more. If you’re someone who hasn’t yet had children, but you want to, what questions do you have for mothers with CF?
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