• A Life Changing Week

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on March 12, 2021 at 3:58 pm

    It has been a week of appointments and change! I was supposed to have an important, out of state appointment regarding my intestines, but we had to reschedule due to what’s going on with my back. I was supposed to see my sinus surgery- per my CF team’s instruction- but much the same (rescheduled). And, though I forgot to do my at-home PFTs beforehand and sadly have lost a lot of weight this month, I had a really lovely CF clinic visit “from home” last week.

    Yesterday, however, I had a Telehealth that felt necessary and important… but completely unexpected. After a CT myelogram last week (which I jokingly call a “spinal tap” but it’s mostly because I love the movie Spinal Tap) and a call from my orthopedist, we knew that my back injury had recurred, and that surgery would be needed soon on more than one spot. But then… I sneezed.

    I sneezed a few days ago and everything went downhill fast. The toes on my left foot stopped moving. The pain became uncontrollable (in terms of muscle-ing through and continuing with work). And I had to cancel all my dance classes and jobs for the week (which crushes my soul).

    So yesterday’s appointment was with a new surgeon to make a plan, and although it was appreciated and needed and amazing to happen so fast… It was not something I expected at all when I kicked off my Monday, you know? I thought this would be a “regular” week dealing with a mounting back issue that still felt somehow manageable. Now, it is not.

    So, with surgery on the horizon and updates coming soon, here is my question for YOU…

    Describe a week in your life that started out as ordinary and then changed really quickly.

    It could be positive. It could be negative. It could be both. (And thank you in advance for letting us walk a paragraph in your shoes!)

    bailey-anne-vincent replied 3 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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