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  • Highs and Lows (Wow, What a Weekend)

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on July 12, 2021 at 6:52 pm

    In the last four days, I have had a theater of people sing that they love me (overwhelming)… an onslaught of kindness and career continuation (surreal and grateful)… and a scary incident in which my car was broken into and much of my husband’s belongings were stolen (awful and another financial burden). We had to wait in the rain for the police and couldn’t go to sleep until about 6 in the morning… only to perform at the top of our game the next day on maybe 3 to 4 hours of sleep.

    We were shocked and elated and sad and happy, all at once. So many highs and lows, just like that. 

    I personally believe that the universe is a bit balanced, so when something really scary and upsetting happened amid a weekend of clout and celebration… it almost “made sense”? To me, the balance of things is a comfort, and much preferred to one or the other.

    So, I have to ask:

    What was your high of the weekend, and what was your low?

    Hopefully, none as extreme as mine but let’s share and encourage one another! How have you been?

    bailey-anne-vincent replied 3 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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