My New Healthy Habits (Sharing Time!)
Last week I posted about setting “best intentions” for healthy habits but then falling short, and I thought it might be beneficial to share my health habits goals right now… so you can share yours?
I’d love to know what goals you’ve set for yourself lately and how they’re going so far!
* To wake up every morning and spray my favorite lavender spray in the air and think “Thank you” (to my personal theological belief system)
* To wear sunscreen first thing in the morning, even though I tend to not wash my face until midway through the day. (I know blue light is a thing and I have to stop being a slacker and not applying SPF until 3 PM). I am still not happy with the spray SPF I was trying in the mornings, so am considering trying this for now instead, when I can splurge for it: cushion sunscreen
* To do some type of physical movement to no more than 5 songs on my favorite playlists. (I tend to go too far and too hard, and thus end up being really on-and-off with exercise, because I need more recovery. The hope is to leave myself “wanting more”, not less). So far this has been thwarted by my back injury, but I still hope to get into this pattern one day.
* To take more breaks when I’m deep into working (writing) so that I take better care of myself. I have the terrible habit of diving in “while I can” (before the back pain takes over) and forgetting to eat, take meds, or do… anything. It definitely feels like a survival tactic, but I know it’s not balanced or healthy either.
What about you?
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