Monday Shoutout: Kristin Entler, CF News Today Columnist
Shout Out to Kristin Entler, our CF News Today columnist!⠀
@findmycure is a life-long patient who grew up in the semi-rural south. Today she is a columnist at Bionews and is working on an MFA in creative writing at the University of Arkansas. Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at 6 months old and with CF-related diabetes at 12, she hopes her column “Advocacy and Abnormality” helps create space for inclusion and solidarity for anyone living in a body that is often seen or treated as different.⠀
Kristin recently relocated from the foothills of Appalachia to the Ozarks, where she lives with her partner and their dog, Azzie, who maintains that he gets all his stubbornness from both of his parents. Her other writings can be found in publications such as The Bitter Southerner, Poetry South, Gulf Stream Literary Magazine, and Poet Lore among others.⠀Read Kristin’s column here.
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