Cystic Fibrosis News Today Forums Forums Support Groups Adults​ ​With​ ​CF Favorite Follows: Who Lifts Your Spirits?

  • Favorite Follows: Who Lifts Your Spirits?

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on March 2, 2021 at 12:24 pm

    Yesterday I posted about gender bias in the doctors office (and it actually inspired the column I needed to write for a couple of weeks from now. I was stumped on what to write. Wrote the forum post and thought, “Wow, I really have not researched this enough!”)

    I am inspired by a lot of things on this forum, including Jenny’s Monday Shoutouts, which highlights a different person with CF per week.

    It got me thinking about other writers, online personalities, and content creators who resonate. And I don’t just mean “sick people” or CFers, but rather, anyone who posits a positive perspective on life that really lifts your spirits.

    Who do you follow that makes you feel better?

    Here are a few of my current favorites:
    @thebirdspapaya: She is very popular so not a kitsch cool suggestion but I love following her for body positivity, pleasant outer monologues, and mom life content

    @alltheworldsherstage: This is my friend Katie (who does have CF). She is an actress in New York and a champion of others. By following her, I learn about so many other artistic programs and concepts, both for those with CF and beyond

    @bethanycmeyers: She is a fitness and lifestyle teacher who emphasizes body neutrality, radical acceptance, and alternate lifestyles. She is a wild, informative and gentle follow, all at once

    @saramearns: Sara is a principal ballerina and at the absolute top of her field, but even if you’re not a dancer, she is a humbling, vulnerable follow (which is incredibly rare in the ballet world). She shares her bad days. The moments she wants to give up. And, often, it makes me feel less alone (and possibly you?)

    @willtgoldfarb: I recently started following Will Goldfarb, who is an acclaimed chef (and featured on my favorite show, Chef’s Table), but also a fascinating follow with words that flow as deliciously as meals. He writes about why and how a dish came to be, and I find the language intoxicating.

    @thebravebodies: This a newer follow for me but the art, graphics and intent are so worth your time. Graphic design designed to showcase disabled, sick or CF bodies in an empowering way

    @oceana: Because nothing makes me happier than the ocean

    One of the things that bothers me about my above list is that it’s significantly lacking in male (back to gender again!) and BIPOC examples, though I do follow many… but clearly not enough?

    What about you?

    Tomorrow I’ll ask about “favorites” for inspiration that aren’t online (authors, directors, musicians)… so stay tuned!

    Bailey Vincent replied 4 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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