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  • Married 30yr old danish guy

    Posted by rasmus-moller-bohn on June 11, 2019 at 2:58 pm

    Hi there.

    I’m Rasmus, 30 years old and born and raised in Denmark.
    I have a sister with CF – 34 years old an two kids.
    I have another siter without CF 45 years old
    I never met my last sister, Linette, which died of CF in age of 7 – in the 80’ies.

    My recent “project” was microdosing magic mushrooms. I dont think the doctors condone that 😉
    And… – wow! I’ve stopped for now, but that helped me a lot in understanding my place and role in this very awesome life.

    My next project in life is psychologist – never had any success with that.
    And then making 100 babies with my wife, if possible 😉 – going through TESA and all that crap, jeeezz..

    I hope you guys a good.

    rasmus-moller-bohn replied 5 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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