• MCM: Vasileios

    Posted by Luisa Palazola on March 25, 2019 at 2:00 pm

    We’re stoked for this week’s MCM, Vasileios. @ is 27 years old and is from Greece. These are three things important to HIS story with CF:

    My parents had to listen to doctors saying I wouldn’t make it past 16 when I was 6 months old, as they had just diagnosed me with CF. When I was young, I thought everyone had to take the same antibiotics and spend the same time as me doings CPT and going to the hospital. I understood the difference when I got to high school. Having a life expectancy so close to your age throws you completely off the rails, how can anyone work towards a future when they don’t have a future? By 21 years old I had already surpassed the number I had been originally given. I moved away from Greece in search of a better medical team, environment, and a university course to keep me distracted.

    I landed in Manchester, UK. With a better understanding of the disease and advanced medical research, I was told that my life expectancy was late 20s. In my mind I had a question: what if I live beyond that again? After a lot of emotional rollercoasters, I had to make a plan in case the unlikable future comes. Hence, I started working with @BenMudge_. With a plan and consistency, a future is viable and definitely worth fighting for. But, nothing in life comes easy! Everyone has their own battles, which are not comparable to each other. And, symbiosis with CF is tough, you have to be on alert constantly, you can’t take a rest day, and you can never say you have done enough. According to the numbers we get a shorter life span; nonetheless, life is not the number of years one lives, it’s about experiences. Living a full, happy, and intense life is far more important than just living.

    At the time I write this, I am 27 and because of the clogged areas in my lungs, my estimated lung function is 65%. However, that just fuels me to work harder, travel more, and live fuller every day. Something I want to change is to allow myself to laugh more. I used to restrict myself from laughing because it causes a severe and unpleasant cough, however, not laughing means giving something up to CF and life is too short to give up.

    What are your plans for the future?

    Luisa Palazola replied 5 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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