Understanding Nonsense - a Column by Willian Ryan

William is a former standup comedian from the Garden State, New Jersey. He manages cystic fibrosis caused by a rare nonsense mutation, plus cystic fibrosis-related diabetes. William and his wife, Gina, live with their two dogs, Otis and Ruby. Through his column, “Understanding Nonsense,” William bridges his humor, love of sports, and pop culture. William writes to advocate for all of those with CF, especially those with rare mutations.

Confronting My Fear of a Lung Transplant Because of CF

Fear often triggers one’s fight-or flight instincts. Depending on the circumstances, when it happens to me, I’ll either persevere through an unwanted situation or become paralyzed by fear. When I become frozen, I don’t want to do anything, and I let the fear caused by the situation just flush…