
Vertex, Moderna Collaborate to Discover, Develop mRNA Therapeutics for CF

Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Moderna Therapeutics recently entered a three-year research partnership and licensing agreement to discover and develop the messenger ribonucleic acid, trademarked as (mRNA) Therapeutics, for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF). The alliance between the two companies will center on usimg mRNA drugs to treat the CF  at its core, by…

Chronic Lung Infections in CF Patients Worsened by Viruses, Study Says

A recently published study proposes that viruses capable of infecting bacteria, called bacteriophages, may be responsible for accelerating the evolution and increasing the impact of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterial species that causes chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients.   ‘Temperate phages both mediate and drive…

Unmet Published Guidelines for CF-Related Diabetes Can Be ‘Incompletely Successful’, Study Shows

Because some cystic Fibrosis (CF) clinics often fail to follow published guidelines for the screening and care of diabetes in CF patients, but self-implemented ways can produce better patient outcomes, a recent study suggests that optimal care can differ from recommendations. CF-related diabetes is an increasingly common complication in CF patients, resulting in substantial…

CF Patients No Longer at High Risk for Thyroid Dysfunction, Study Finds

Goiter and hypothyroidism — conditions linked to thyroid gland problems — are no longer major concerns for patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), according to recent research showing that only a fraction of patients now have severe thyroid dysfunction, possibly mirroring lesser use of iodine-based drugs. The study, “Thyroid Function in…

CF Foundation Gives Alaxia $1.7M to Start Testing an Inhaled Antimicrobial Therapy in People

Alaxia SAS announced that it has received $1.7 million from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics (CFFT), the non-profit drug discovery and development arm of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF), to support and advance a first clinical study of its inhaled antimicrobial drug candidate, ALX-009, as a therapy for people with cystic fibrosis…

Inhaled New Drug Delivery for Lung Disease Patients is Revealed in Video by Pulmatrix

Pulmatrix recently released an educational, animated video to raise awareness of problematic complex lung diseases and to describe encouraging new dry treatment options for patients with lung conditions including cystic fibrosis (CF). The video can be watched here: [] It begins “Everyday you take over 20,000 breaths. Imagine if everyone of…

Boomer Esiason Foundation CF Ambassador Celebrates 60th Birthday, Spurs Patients To Live Active Life

The Boomer Esiason Foundation (BEF), dedicated to increasing awareness, education, and quality of life for people with cystic fibrosis (CF), recently celebrated the 60th birthday of the organization’s CF Ambassador and double lung transplant survivor Jerry Cahill. Cahill, who was told by doctors that he would likely not pass age 16, proves that…