• Carly

    Posted by Jenny Livingston on January 22, 2020 at 1:21 pm

    Hey, guys, we’re excited to introduce our first WCW of the year: Carly!
    @cccarlylee is 23 and from Idaho. Here are four things important to her story with CF. Be sure to answer her question!

    ❤ I was diagnosed at birth after having an emergency surgery for a ruptured meconium ileus. I’ve been exciting from the get go! Thanks to an awesome care team and my mom, I was pretty healthy throughout childhood.

    ❤ Since I was relatively healthy, I got to keep my CF on the down low. Only my closest friends knew about all the treatments and medications I did. I never wanted to be seen as different and, for the most part, it worked. And then, my rebellious self went away for college — away from my parents, away from my care team, and away from CF.

    ❤ Of course though, CF caught up. I ended up getting very sick and, because of both CF complications and some mental health issues, I had to drop out of college and move back home. For the last 2 years, I have been fighting for both my mental and physical health. I’ve been hospitalized every 3-5 months. However, I’m back on track to have a very healthy 2020! I was diagnosed Bipolar II in October and finally am on a medication that helps me, and I got access to Trikafta in November.

    ❤ I am so thankful for my care team, my family, friends, wonderful partner, and the CF community social media has connected me to.

    Question: What is something you can do in 2020 to be nicer to yourself when you’re having a hard day? 

    Jenny Livingston replied 4 years, 11 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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