• Do You Hide Your Scars?

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on July 13, 2020 at 4:54 pm

    I have a weird relationship with certain items of clothing. I just posted about a new pair of leggings I tried on my Instagram, and how deeply insecure I feel in them. Some of this is because I only like to show scars and tubes in certain styles (my “safety items”), and some is because I hate clothing that squeezes my stomach.

    I ended up giving the leggings to my daughter, who has been wearing them nonstop and they look amazing. I might even buy her a couple more pairs because she loves the brand so much now.

    So… Why do I think she looks great in them but I don’t?

    I’d love to know if anyone else struggles with this when getting dressed?

    Jenny Livingston replied 4 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • Jenny Livingston

    July 14, 2020 at 2:53 pm

    “They make my booty look good” was my favorite part of that video!

    I don’t struggle with scars as much as I struggle with my ever changing body (thanks, Trikafta). It’s a different body image issue, but I think it relates to this post.

    I gained roughly 20-25lbs during the 6 years I was on Orkambi, and some more since Trikafta. I really don’t step on a scale anymore except in clinic, but the way my clothes fit these days tells me I’ve continued to gain. Or at least the weight is distributed differently (my booty is looking pretty good these days, too). I have curves I’ve never seen before, cellulite, and a couple new chins.

    I’ve become very aware of how my clothing fits. I hate things that squeeze me (as you said) and I worry about my appearance in ways I never used to.

    Scars, to me, are evidence of a battle. They’re proof that you’ve made it through something difficult. Cellulite doesn’t have the same symbolism. Something I like to remind myself of is that this changing body of mine is a direct result of the battle I’ve fought! I’ve worked so hard to get to this point and these new curves of mine are not something to be ashamed of! Unlearning my own biases and dismantling my personal stigma surrounding body weight has been difficult.

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