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  • Person-first language: what are your thoughts?

    Posted by jenny-livingston on August 6, 2020 at 1:25 pm

    Within the disabled and chronic illness communities there is a push for the use of person-first language. For instance, rather than referring to someone as disabled, they would be called a person with a disability. In the context of CF, this means nixing phrases like “CFer” and instead, focusing on people for who they are rather than what they have (ie: a person living with CF). Person-first language is generally considered to be the most respectful way to talk about people with disabilities or differences, but I wonder…. how do you feel about it?

    Do you want to be called a patient/CFer, or do you prefer the term person with CF?

    How important do you think person-first language is? 

    What terms do you use when referring to yourself? CFer, cyster/fibro, adult with CF, other?

    If you are the parent to a child with CF, how do you want others to refer to them? 

    What are your thoughts on person-first language?

    paul-met-debbie replied 3 years, 9 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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  • paul-met-debbie

    August 11, 2020 at 9:49 am

    A while ago, Tré laRosa had a column about this and the question was put on the forum.

    I answered then, that we should not put too much emphasis on language in general and on the way “people” refer to “us with cf” in particular.
    I still feel the same about this. It is easy to find better use for my costly energy than thinking about these things. I live my life, don’t think it.

    I try not to refer to myself at all if possible. Other people don’t have to refer to me either. All “I, me, mine” thoughts strengthen the false illusion of the egoic person and block the natural happiness. I totally do not care how other people (are there any?) refer to me either. Let them play their game. If people want to call me anything, they can use my name. It has as little to do with who I am as my body does.


    Let’s Talk About Disability Language

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