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  • Childhood Checklist… Favorites?

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on October 15, 2020 at 11:26 am

    Okay, I know I’ve been talking a lot about family, childhood memories and nostalgia this week, but let’s have some fun with this, and get to know each other on a level unrelated to sickness.

    Here we go….

    Growing up, what were your favorite:

    1. Movies

    2. Music

    3. Breakfast Cereal

    4. Dinners

    5. Special Treat or Candy

    6. Color

    My answers are….

    1. Movies: The Goonies, Princess Bride, Robin Hood (that was weirdly my favorite Disney cartoon; no princesses for me), and Stand By Me

    2. Music: I inherited taste from my family – Jimmy Buffet, Dave Matthews Band, Grateful Dead, etc- but my very first CD was Cake (from one of those CD ordering services they used to have), followed by Green Day and REM.

    3. Breakfast Cereal: My Mom was super “crunchy granola” (into health food), so any time we got fun cereal it was thrilling. My favorites were actually Cracklin Oat Bran, followed by Grape Nuts. So… not that wild?

    4. Dinners: My Mom made really healthy meals most of the time, but I thought Velveeta Mac n’ cheese was heaven sent. I also loved cooked spinach, and her asian-style rice (rice, soy sauce, tons of veggies, tempeh, and almonds on top)

    5. Special Treat or Candy: I was always an ice cream kid… followed by pie… and finally candy. (Laffy Taffy is a nostalgic fav)

    6. Color: Purple then, Black now

    What about you?

    becky-fox replied 3 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • becky-fox

    October 15, 2020 at 10:25 pm

    Being Kelly’s mom, I am able to answer these questions (most of them anyway) with ease.

    Favorite Movies: since Kelly is a bit older than you Bailey, her movie favorites precede yours somewhat. Her all time favorite was/is Dirty Dancing. She loved Lady And The Tramp, and Bambi (except the part where Bambi’s mother gets killed). Another favorite was Pretty Woman.

    Favorite Music: this one I’m a little fuzzy on but I do remember her having a penchant for Janet Jackson songs as a teenager. She watched a lot of MTV, but I honestly can’t remember music being a big “thing” in her life.

    Breakfast Cereal: Kelly did and still does absolutely adore cereal!!! She went in and out of favorites and the list is seriously endless. The only kind she didn’t like was hot cereal. Also Grape Nuts and granola, Corn Flakes, Wheaties, Special K, and Kix. Some of her very favorites were Lucky Charms, Rice/Corn Chex, Raisin Bran, Cheerios, Corn Pops, Cookie Crunch, Life, Rice Kristin’s, Count Chocula, I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. 😀

    Dinners: Chicken and mashed potatoes, steak and mashed potatoes, some kinds of fish (crappie and Mahi mahi) and, you guessed it, mashed potatoes, all these with a side of green beans or corn and Kelly is happy.

    Special Treats/Candy: Gushers, pretzels, Starburst, Skittles, York Peppermint Patties, unsalted popcorn and Fig Newtons. There’s probably more, but these are what comes to mind.

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