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  • Body Predictions: New Year, New You?

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on December 16, 2020 at 11:16 am

    I posted yesterday about pandemic predictions heading into the new year, and I was wondering:

    Do you have any predictions with your health for 2021?

    Not hopes (because that’s another post for another day, lol) but “mostly-knowns”. For example, I already know I’m having surgery in February. I know I have a few more spinal/nerve procedures to come. And I also know I likely will have a wrist surgery too because 2020 was the year of my nerves and bones raging against me after years of thinking “digestion and infection” was primarily my problem.

    If you had to look honestly at the state of your body now and what’s to come… What would you wager is ahead?

    (PS: This is not refute the power of positive thinking!)

    Paul met Debbie replied 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Paul met Debbie

    December 16, 2020 at 12:53 pm

    The only thing I can come up with is that sometime next year probably trikafta (here: kaftrio) becomes available in the Netherlands. And in theory I am eligible for that. I have no clue yet whether or not I am going to try it. Some intuition will come up I guess and when not, that is a decision too. It doesn’t disturb my sleep. Same goes for the upcoming covid-vaccines.

    For the rest I think nothing is planned for me, but what do I know? So far in my life, my body always knew more than I and completely surprised me with things like this. Fortunately, this is not for me to decide, it’s all in the grand scheme. As far as I am concerned, the movie is already in the can and I am just watching the show. Never fails to amaze me. I am the show as well, and I am new every day.

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