• Interruptions to care?

    Posted by jenny-livingston on September 9, 2021 at 2:35 pm

    I know that for most (if not all) of us, the pandemic caused interruptions to health care. I’ve resumed in-person appointments with my CF clinic and ENT, but recently realized that I haven’t been to the dentist or eye doctor in well over two years. Under the best of circumstances, I tend to forget these kinds of appointments; the pandemic just added about a hundred or so more reasons to forget.

    Regarding these types of appointments and aspects of your overall health care that aren’t CF related, how did the pandemic affect your willingness/ability to keep up with them? If you put those non-critical appointments off for a while, have you resumed them? If not, is there something specific you are waiting for (ie: waiting until you’re fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or case numbers reach a certain threshold in your area)?

    jenny-livingston replied 2 years, 12 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • paul-met-debbie

    September 10, 2021 at 5:08 am

    Good question. We planned to wait until vaccination and we did, but now even with vaccination we find ourselves still not going to the dentist or optician. Fortunately our eyes are not declining and our dental care was in very good condition before covid started. And we take extra good care of it since, to prevent problems. So we hope we can sit out the storm. But now it seems to turn in some sort of perpetual breeze.

    It is indeed a bit unsure now what would make us resume those visits. One can look at figures about infections, new mutations, vaccination-protection etc but most of the decision will probably will be intuitive. When a problem arises, probably we will look for help again if it can’t be postponed.

    I visited my cf team recently, and with my improvements on kaftrio I hope to do without these visits for quite some while. I can do PFT’s at home and contact my cf team via email and phone. Our GP is nearby and her office feels secure enough to pay her a visit if necessary. And she makes house calls as well. I can do blood and sputum testing there as well, the results are available for my cf team a couple of days after. My GP also runs a pharmacy so that’s where all the pills come from and they are delivered as well. Except kaftrio, which is send to me from the hospital pharmacy of my cf team.

  • jenny-livingston

    September 10, 2021 at 9:43 am

    “Perpetual breeze” is a great metaphor! I think it’s going to be breezy for quite sometime.

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