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  • That Time Where I Forced You To Complain……

    Posted by bailey-anne-vincent on September 21, 2021 at 10:29 am

    I typed up an entire post this morning… and then accidentally deleted it. 

    Since typing hurts so much right now as I’m recovering from surgery (the “looking down” or “crunching my neck” is what hurts), this feels much more dramatic to me than it would to anyone else. I text our beloved Jenny to complain… and how here I am. Grumpy-faced for sure (lol).

    It made me realize how silly it feels to complain about something so small and… well, silly… and so I figured I’d just ask you:

    What is something rather small or silly that you’ve been trying not to complain about lately but want to get off your chest? 

    You do not have to be logical here. Let’s leave a space for insanity. Ready, set… go!

    jenny-livingston replied 2 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • jenny-livingston

    September 21, 2021 at 1:59 pm

    I’m all for a little complaining session! Sometimes great support comes in the form of simply listening to someone vent.

    My silly thing: I’m annoyed with our internet service. I life in a fairly rural area in which there aren’t many service providers to choose from. This is the second provider we’ve used and the internet is consistently inconsistent. It makes working online and attending meetings difficult (like, I’m currently helping with a BreatheCon session that I’m not certain I’ll have reliable internet to participate in on the day of). As a friend told me today regarding not having a phone for 8 days, “This is the worst day of my entire white privileged life.” Hah! 😀

    In all seriousness, I hope you heal quickly and the pain you’re experiencing resolves soon.

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