Cystic Fibrosis News Today Forums Forums Support Groups Adults​ ​With​ ​CF I wrote about Covid and Chronic Illness on my blog.

  • jenny-livingston

    January 10, 2022 at 9:14 am

    Oh, this hits a nerve for me! I’ve been thinking many of the same things. The attitudes and language used throughout the entire pandemic have been deeply ableist. I cannot count the number of times it’s been implied or directly said to me, “It’s ONLY the sick and disabled dying from this,’ or “The lives of the sick and elderly are an acceptable price to pay for the sake of the economy.” Our lives have value, but it seems that the decisions being made by the general public as well as our government entities are only putting us at more risk. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, William.

  • paul-met-debbie

    January 10, 2022 at 2:26 pm

    What a great contribution William, and very well written!

    We completely agree with what you say and will share this for sure.

    It is indeed getting completely weird what governments all over the world think of to deal with the pandemic. And as you said, the economic argument prevails here as well, like it does with most policies.

    The only thing we can do is to plan and execute our own stategy not to get infected and not to infect others, even if this means prolonging our self-isolation. We have a higher cause to serve here than our governments are caring for, even if this is difficult.

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