Day 14 of #31DaysOfCF: In This CF Journey, My Husband Is My Rock
Shannon Miller has cystic fibrosis and is married to Jason. CF and relationships are not always easy. But Shannon feels blessed to have a husband who is very supportive.
When Shannon was evaluated for a cystic fibrosis-related lung transplant in 2016 Jason was incredibly helpful. They had the toughest discussions, which is something Shannon is so grateful for. Shannon’s mother passed away in 2016 which took her through a very dark period, making her depression much worse. Jason helped her so much, along with my antidepressants and counseling.
“Depression and CF really go hand in hand. Knowing you have an incurable genetic disease is bound to mess with you.”
Shannon, we are so happy Jason is with you!
Now back to our CF Community: Do you experience dark periods? How do you manage them?
To read the rest of Shannon’s story, and learn more about her life with Jason and CF, click here.
Our #31DaysOfCF initiative is running for the entire month of May. Each day, we are featuring a different story, and a different view of life with CF. To read all of the stories, visit our website.
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