• Chronic Fatigue

    Posted by luisa-palazola on July 25, 2019 at 8:00 am

    I feel like we often talk about our classic symptoms with CF — the chronic coughing, is it another infection exacerbation? Or the plethora of GI issues that come up. And, when we don’t have any ongoing symptoms — there’s a lingering symptom that I often shame myself for: chronic fatigue.

    For people with CF, having chronic fatigue is out of the usual, but I don’t think it’s often normalized. And, it comes with (at least for me) a lot of guilt. I’ve been on a miracle study drug*, and my body still gets worn down easier than most everyone else’s body. It’s much better than pre-study days, but it still takes me longer to recover from life than most people.

    I’ve gotten a lot better at practicing self care and being gentle with myself. But, some days are tougher than others.


    So, how do you deal with chronic fatigue?

    How do you deal with shame and guilt?

    luisa-palazola replied 4 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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