• Clarice Belle

    Posted by Luisa Palazola on March 14, 2019 at 9:45 am

    We’re honored to have Clarice as our WCW this week. @claricebc is 26 years old and is from Portland, OR. Here are three things SHE wants you to know about her life with CF. Be sure to answer her question below! ⁣

    💜 My name is Clarice and this is my story on how I’m trying to find the silver lining in living with a chronic illness. I got diagnosed with CF at birth, and as a kid, it truly was an invisible illness. Not just because I didn’t look sick, but I was just as healthy as the kid next to me. Poor lung function wasn’t a thing in my life and I got to enjoy being a kid, active and full of energy! At that time in my life, it wouldn’t even cross my mind that I wouldn’t always be able be like that. Fast forward to today, as I sit here typing this, I’m reminiscing over those memories and can’t help but grieve a bit. This invisible illness has, more or less, become actually visible and I no longer can hide behind a healthy smiling face.⁣

    💜 Living with CF, or any illness, comes with many challenges in life. One of them is adapting to the changes you need to make for it. For me, this is very difficult, and I still struggle very hard with letting CF become my companion, rather than my enemy.⁣

    💜 I’m also a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, no matter how hard and difficult it can be in the moment. It’s all there to teach you something and shape you into who you’re supposed to be. With CF, I try to think of it the same way. So what’s the silver lining in CF? Well, I like to think its a combination of things. It’s made me more understanding of illnesses; I’m more sympathetic towards people; and it’s pushed me to live life without fear, after coming to terms that it’s too short to play it safe. Whether you believe it or not, there is a silver lining within it all and it’s up to you to search deep down and find out what that is.⁣

    So my question for you is, what’s your silver lining?⁣

    For original post click here.

    Luisa Palazola replied 5 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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