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  • Community Member Feature: Perspective with Rylee and Shawna

    Posted by Jenny Livingston on September 17, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    Shawna, mother to Rylee (with CF) shares her perspective.



    We all have our own perspective on various aspects of life. Our perspective can change with every new challenge and moment in life. Having an almost two-year-old daughter with Cystic Fibrosis has changed my perspective on life. When Rylee was eight days old we received a phone call with these words, “Your daughter’s blood test from her newborn screening tested positive for Cystic Fibrosis.”

    I had never heard the words Cystic Fibrosis before that day. So, what did I do? I googled CF. I cried, we cried. My husband told me something that week that helped me slowly change my perspective on this situation. “Shawna, our time on Earth is never guaranteed. We’re going to continue to live our life just as we did before Rylee’s diagnosis of CF. Yes, we’re going to have obstacles and hurdles to overcome but we can do this together!

    This change of perspective is what I needed. It’s what I need every day. When I speak about CF to Rylee, our friends, our family and social media, they all know Cystic Fibrosis is one part of who Rylee is but it’s not everything.


    Shawna and Rylee can be found on Instagram or
    Thank you for sharing these thoughts!

    Jenny Livingston replied 4 years, 4 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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