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  • Community Member Feature: Somer Love

    Posted by jenny-livingston on November 4, 2019 at 2:08 pm
    Some of you may already know Somer, but for those of you who don’t… you’re in for a treat! To know her is to love her (it’s literally her name!) and I’m so happy to introduce her to you here.
    1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and your diagnosis story. 
    My name is Somer Love, I am 40 years old and I try to live each day to the fullest by keeping my hopes high, and dreams big!!
    Some of my many passions in life are spreading love, painting, and writing. I believe living in the moment and making each breath count is the best way I can live my life.
    I was diagnosed at 11 months old, in 1980 there was a campaign that ran by the CF Foundation called “kiss your baby disease” If your child tasted salty you were to take them in for a sweat test. I was a pretty big healthy baby so when my Mom tasted me and noticed I was salty the doc assured her there was no way I would have CF. He finally agreed to do the test and later called her crying and confirmed that mother’s intuition.
    2) You started Love To Breathe in 2001. What is the purpose and mission of Love To Breathe? 
    I created Love To Breathe®️ in 2001 to help educate and raise awareness about cystic fibrosis and spread love whenever I can, so that one day CF will stand for CURE FOUND! I wanted there to be a positive place where parents of newly diagnosed children could go and see an adult living life despite the challenges CF brought. I started send my paintings to different fundraisers around the US to help raise money for that sought after cure. Over the years Love To Breathe®️ has evolved and has now gone global with my #LoveToBreatheTokens I continue to spread my positive message through social media and my blog.
    3) If there were one piece of advice you could offer the CF Community, what would it be? 
    I believe when you are faced with a challenge you have two choices. You can either, rise-up and overcome your challenge, or you can do nothing and allow your challenge to conquer you. I fight so hard day in and day out, not just for myself but for everyone around me. I try to stay positive and always look for the good in every day. Something that I recently started this year was keeping a journal and every night I write down 3 things that made me smile, more often than not it’s the simplest things on my list.
    Every new day is a chance to be better than who we were yesterday. The opportunity to live another day isn’t something I take for granted. Life is hard, life is messy but within the chaos there’s so much beauty. The beauty of this life is that we have a chance to turn hope into reality. I choose to live in that hope and will always continue to chase my dreams.
    4) A question from Somer to YOU: 
    Well it’s been an exciting week in the CF community and I guess with all the buzz surrounding Trikafta and the new initiative “A Path To A Cure” where no one will be left behind. I can’t help but feel so much hope. I believe the CF that we know today is going to start changing drastically. I guess my question would be…
    What are your hopes and dreams for the future? 
    jenny-livingston replied 4 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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