Coughing, sex, and new partners
I know I cough a bit during sex, and I think at one point I was a little self conscious. Okay, maybe I am — especially with a new partner.
I find myself in the most intimate positions & my mind in a different world, and then my body reminds me of my reality with CF. I cough. Sometimes not much, sometimes I have a small cough attack.
And it’s an interesting dynamic, where I wish we weren’t interrupted by my disease. But, that’s kinda the beauty of sex. Within consensual sex: you inherently sign up and agree to whatever is going to happen. Being naked and vulnerable physically, awkward moments and spaces of time, hair in places, body fluids, and so so much more. Which is kinda beautiful, being you physically naked and metaphorically naked.
And, so getting back to coughing.
Coughing is a part of it for me. And the partner, who lets my coughing pass without rush, and rubs my back. He’s a a keeper of all sorts.
Also, if someone is grossed out by your cough — and not your cum? Like what?
And if someone is grossed about by cum, then leave.Sex is fun, intimate, and beautiful. And part of that is the gross stuff, too!
1. Do you have any funny sex stories?
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