Day 26 of #31DaysOfCF: My Challenges Have Helped Me to Be a Better Mother
Katie Lockwood’ grew up surrounded by love. Having said that, life with CF was challenging too. Treatments and her medicine regimen were a constant push and pull for Katie and her family.
“They say different children need different things.”
Now that Katie has become a mother, to Rose and Magnolia, she can appreciate what makes each of them unique. Katie likes who she has become, and she looks forward to seeing how her girls’ personalities will develop, from the influences of nature, nurture, and necessity.
Now back to our CF Community: What CF challenges have taught you the most?
To read the rest of Katie’s story, and learn more about her life and her daughters, click here.
Our #31DaysOfCF initiative is running for the entire month of May. Each day, we are featuring a different story, and a different view of life with CF. To read all of the stories, visit our website.
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