Day 31 of #31DaysOfCF: Mothers, Go With Your Gut Instinct
Faith “Fizzy” Clark’s doctor told her CF was a “disease that only white children get.” Her boy was 7 weeks old and weighed less than 6 pounds. All his test results came back positive for CF.
Today Faith’s son, Felton, is 4. Faith wants to be a voice and advocate for Felton and other people with CF. She wants people to know that this disease doesn’t discriminate. All it takes is for two people to carry the CFTR gene. Ethnicity doesn’t matter.
Faith knew something was not right. Had she not followed her gut feeling, Felton could have been much sicker than he was at 7 weeks. “I’m so thankful that I did not ignore my inner voice.”
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Faith, Felton is so lucky to have such a fierce mother!
Now back to our CF Community: Have you ever followed your gut instinct, even when doctors advised otherwise?
To read the rest of Faith “Fizzy” Clark’s story, and learn more about Felton and their life with CF, click here.
Our #31DaysOfCF initiative has run for the entire month of May. Each day, we featured a different story and a different view of life with CF. To read all of the stories, visit our website.
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