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  • Jennifer and Claire: Why breathing treatment is sometimes my favorite part of the day

    Posted by Jenny Livingston on September 21, 2020 at 12:00 pm
    Recently, Jennifer shared what it has been like parenting a toddler with CF in the midst of a global pandemic. Today, she shares a bit about treatment time:
    When people ask how long Claire does breathing treatments every day and I tell them the hour to two a day it is, they are shocked.  Usually, the follow up is “how do you keep a toddler still that long?”
    The truth is it’s hard. Like, really hard.  I move her Vest from room to room for variety and try to have hands on activities but sometimes the iPad is the only answer.  One thing that will never change is what I want for her during her treatments.  I have made it a rule in our house that someone will always sit with her during her treatments.
    In the beginning, that was easy because I had to hold the nebulizer but now she wears a mask.  One of us always sits with her still though.  A big part of this is psychological to me.  I never want her to feel alone during her journey with CF.  I want her to know we are right beside her and have been since the day she was born.
    Breathing treatments sometimes are the favorite part of my day.  Most times I even try to put my phone down from the hustle of daily life. This allows me to just sit and be still with her in a present moment which is such a gift.
    I know someday when she’s a tween she probably won’t want me sitting next to her each breathing treatment but I want her to know I will always be there if she still wants that mommy time.
    Jen can be found on Instagram or on her website:

    Community Member Feature: Jennifer and Claire

    Jenny Livingston replied 4 years, 4 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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