• Posted by luisa-palazola on February 19, 2019 at 11:17 am

    Your period is exhausting.

    It took me nearly twenty four years to accept how draining it is to be on my period. How my period crevices it’s way into nearly every facet of my damn existence, even my disease. My body is literally shedding the lining of my uterus, and while my quick google search determined we lose about 3-4 tablespoons each month, that seems like an absurdly small (albeit reasonable) number.

    I say absurdly small in contrast to how I feel. Life feels zapped out of me before even the day starts. My hormones are fluctuating, and my emotions are highly receptive. And then, I start coughing up blood. Not a lot, usually, but enough to trigger a bit of PTSD.

    My period is exhausting.

    And, I don’t want to hear about how that’s not that much blood. But, mostly I want my feelings and emotions to acknowledged as valid. My period is the most natural thing I can do, so what happens within that space — should also be valid, natural, and normal.

    For those of you with periods:

    1. Do you feel your CF is affected during your period? How so?
    2. It’s okay to vent about it

    luisa-palazola replied 5 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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