• Sara McAslan

    Posted by Luisa Palazola on January 30, 2019 at 11:08 pm

    Aye, it’s Woman Crush Wednesday, and today we’re pumped to introduced Sara as our #WCW. @ is am 21 years old is from Toronto, ONT, Canada. Here are three important things SHE has discovered growing up with CF. Be sure to answer her question in the comments below!

    🌹Mentality is everything.
    Live the life YOU want – don’t let life live for you. Growing up with something that takes 80% of your life changes the type of person you become. Put it this way, it’s like being forced out of a dream childhood and turning into a responsible adult. You don’t choose this life; however, this life chooses you for one reason and that’s because you are strong enough to handle it. When living with a disease it feels like you have two identities: the one that is the genuine self, and the one that is just trying to survive. I used to let my CF takeover my life, thus turning me into someone I am not. I finally got out of that denial and things had really started to turn around. Mentality is everything. If you only look positively and allow yourself to live a life you want, then you are already living it.

    🌹 You are your own Special — you are the only person living in your body. Living with a disease creates a hidden side of you with thoughts, pain, and feelings. I started realizing that nobody will know my needs unless I express them. You are your own best advocate, and in doing so you need to respect yourself and the personal health needs we deal with on a daily basis in order for others to respect you as well.

    🌹 While quantity of life is what scares us most about Cystic Fibrosis, cherishing our current moments is what we truly have. We will never be in the past or future — only the now. In other words, jam out too music during breathing treatments, even if you waste a couple breaths of medicine (who can resist the urge to dance?). Eat that burger, and take some insulin and enzymes with it. At the end of your life, you want to look back and know that the time you invested in keeping yourself alive was redeemed by actually living.

    So my question to you is what is something in your life that you cherish the most?

    For more information visit our IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/BtQ_OWPHS2L/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=eyg75b26g2si

    Luisa Palazola replied 5 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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