Throw It Back With Me (Help. I’m Stuck in the 90s)
I am on a nostalgia kick.
I know I’m not alone. Lately it seems like, everywhere I look is another 90’s reboot, or a media wink-and-a-smile to a previous decade (that reference was a Harry Connick nod, just FYI), and on and on. And as cliche as it makes me: I LOVE it.
Leaning in to things that once felt new and now feel reassuring is… comforting. In a world still askew with pandemic woes and human cruelty and global unknowns, I can’t help but love knowing exactly what’s going to happen in a song (knowing all the lyrics) or in a TV show or book. Know what I mean?
Because of this, I am now deeeeeep into re-watching the show Felicity from the 90s. Yes, the show that was basically about privileged mostly-white kids in New York just talking… and having long pregnant pauses between talking… and then talking some more. It is “cerebral” in the worst-best way, and nothing really even happens in a single episode (and yet everything happens?!) and that brings me comfort. No one is going to get murdered on Felicity. Or contract Covid. Or even mention global warming. (They did, however, have a riveting Nintendo episode, just for the extremely-topical record.)
So it made me think: What throwback from your past has brought you comfort lately?
Is there something you used to watch, or listen to, or read when you were sick as a kid? A type of fashion you enjoyed exploring, or a series you couldn’t put down?
Let’s go down memory lane… shall we?
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