• Time Management Tips

    Posted by luisa-palazola on February 27, 2019 at 6:36 pm

    I think in terms of working while having a chronic illness there are some things that are absolutely necessary to establish, I’ll list a few of the things that help ME:

    1. Self love — this one is a huge deal for me. And I think it can sound really hippy-dippy, or even obvious. But, I think our standards we give ourselves (while encouraging) can sometimes really be detrimental to our sense of self worth. Work is hard — no matter what you do. And, you have these expecatations you hope to meet, but sometimes they don’t get met. And, hell. That’s okay. What’s important is to say “Okay, I did my best. And, now it’s time to focus on me.” Because, YOU are more important than your work. You are an entity separate from your work, who happens to influence the things you produce. And, the best way to create the best results — is to love the person who’s producing. That’s you.
    2. Time management — I think this can look different for everyone. But, establishing what tasks you want to accomplish at the beginning of the day is crucial. But, more so, alotting time for mistakes, extra treatments, or burn out — I think is a nice safety net to work within.
    3. Taking breaks. My job gives me the space to take frequent breaks when I need them, and for that I’m grateful and also very aware of how and what I’m doing in those breaks. Breaks are good for you mental sanity and I definitely believe for your physical health. Even if it’s just 5-10 minutes of clearing your mind or listening to a few songs you like. It’s refreshing, breaks the monoity, and I think makes you better at whatever and all you do.

    What tips do you have?

    luisa-palazola replied 5 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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