• Weekend Worries (Depression)

    Posted by Bailey Vincent on January 25, 2021 at 9:43 am

    Does anyone else get massively depressed on Sundays?

    I get MASSIVELY depressed near the end of a weekend (even when my “weekend” doesn’t fall on a Sunday depending on my work schedule) because I become overwhelmed with my week before I even start.

    This week, for example, I have so much work (80% of this post is just so I can complain), I’m starting to teach dance via Zoom again, and a lot of real financial and medical worries on the table… And I think my brain tries to sabotage at the last second.

    I also had a really hard medical weekend, including getting so sick that I burst a bunch of blood vessels in my forehead. So I’m going into things hungry, depleted, busted and not wanting to bust a move. I make lists. I stay organized. I try to tune out and tune in. All the logical things to help prepare me… But somehow, knowing life literally always feels like more than I can chew, I can’t seem to not spiral a little?

    I have always liked the phrase “If you won’t do something about it, stop complaining,” and I generally agree because I have no choice but to buckle down and get all my work done this week, no matter how yucky I feel. Still, somehow, that phrase doesn’t actually help the mental state whatsoever?

    I’d love advice. Commissary. Insight. Whatever! In short: Have you ever felt sadness on a cycle?

    Bailey Vincent replied 4 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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