Wendy is a vivacious young adult who’s passionate about living life despite battling cystic fibrosis. She loves going on adventures with her husband, Andy, and their dogs, Finn and Felix. Wendy is very active in spreading awareness about CF through her blog and social media — “The Living, Breathing Wendy.” She also helps through the CF Foundation where she can, both nationally and locally.
Social media is a strange and fickle web of predetermined, or accidental, personas. I used to be very active on social media, with the intent of spreading awareness of cystic fibrosis. It was easy…
Fatigue is a challenging condition to describe. It entails being tired, but it’s so much more than that. Fatigue is the side effect of chronic illness that haunts…
I entered through the hospital doors and walked about 30 feet before becoming completely out of breath. I had a split second of panic before I remembered the heavy backpack I was wearing. I…
I recently wrote a post on social media about my health struggles. Having disappeared from the online world without explanation, I had come to terms with my…
I want to start this off with the disclaimer that I have never been a morning person. I am a night owl with a coffee addiction and a second-shift job. However, there is much…
I have been in a huge rut for quite a while due to my health. I think people often have the perception that I’m always positive and happy. It’s probably because I…
I was shocked recently when my social worker brought up for the first time the subject of social security disability insurance. I am currently working three jobs. As she spoke,…
Growing up with a terminal disease, it was not a secret that one day I would become disabled. What I didn’t expect was how messy the process would be. There’s no handbook…
You’ve somehow found someone to walk through the life that is a cystic fibrosis life without scaring them off. Great! Now, how the heck do you go about planning a wedding that…
Guilt. It’s a feeling I’ve had to process a lot lately. It’s something we all deal with from time to time. Maybe it’s due to a forgotten meeting, the dirty dishes piled…
Cystic fibrosis has slowly, but surely, been creeping and nosing into parts of my life previously untouched. Just the other day I was watching a morning routine video on YouTube. All…