
Medication Side Effects: Necessary Evils

The CF community is no stranger to the fact that medications that we put into our bodies, especially the powerful ones, do not come without risks. However, they are necessary evils to battle cystic fibrosis. Lately, my battle with cystic fibrosis has been riddled with these powerful,…

26 Years and Counting with CF

The day I was born, the median life expectancy of someone living with cystic fibrosis was 31. Although I haven’t reached that median yet, I feel like I’ve beaten the odds. During past birthdays, my parents, brother, and I celebrated with cakes filled with raspberry layers and chocolate frosting. The…

Do I Have Trouble Planning for the Future?

Editor’s note: “Path Unknown” is a new CF News Today column written by Wendy Caroline each Monday. My clinic used to hand out questionnaires at check-ins to see how patients were doing. I always chuckled to myself when I came across the question, “Do you have trouble…

Cystic Fibrosis Didn’t Shatter Me — It Forged Bravery

Moonlight twinkled off Eagle Scouts’ accomplishment pins (earned for demonstrations of helpfulness, generosity, and loyalty) as they wound rope around my friend and me — tying it off with a knot perfect enough to merit yet another accomplishment pin. Sweaty pits and unbrushed teeth polluted lake air that…

When Invisible Illness Becomes Visible

I breathed 23 years of invisible illness before retching tan-green Silly Putty into city trash bins while leashed to a bulky, wheeled, metallic canister of oxygen. Twenty-three years of rotting beneath my skin before the disease turned inside-out. All eyes were on me as I puked, a…

What Is Victory? Sharing Our Reality.

What is victory for us? I know we crave a cure above all, but what is attainable in the meantime? When I began this column, titled “Victorious,” I viewed victory as a single objective: positivity. Living joyfully despite this horrific illness. And yes, I still think that is…