
Endogenous Lung Stem Cells and Cystic Fibrosis, an Introduction

My past few articles have touched upon the application of stem cells for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF), and while some of these treatments demonstrate great promise for the future of CF, it is important to establish more necessary discourse. With my past articles discussing Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs),…

Orkambi, Genome Editing, and a Few ‘Salty Girls’

The selection of articles I chose for this week is an attempt to capture recent events, along with one older article, showcasing the range of articles relating to the science and increased awareness being brought to the CF community ‘Salty Girls’ photo Series Challenges Notions of Beauty and Cystic Fibrosis…

Dum Spiro Spero: While I Breathe I Hope

What We Hope For I have found myself chasing a deferred hope waiting for my health to change, while watching it steadily decline. The release of Kayldeco by Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. in 2012 was a demonstration that the next generation of medications in cystic fibrosis therapy could begin to…

Regenerative Medicine Study Underscores Lung Regeneration Capacity

In diseases like cystic fibrosis, the lungs undergo constant healing and remodeling due to chronic infections. To better understand the repair mechanisms the lungs go through in diseases like CF and COPD, scientists have paid great attention to studying cellular regeneration. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania and Duke University have discovered…